Special Issue
The 25 April as seen from abroad
Introductory note: the 25 April as seen from abroad
David Castaño
The United States and the revolution of 25 April 1974
Víctor Gavín
A lost cause?: Great Britain’s role in the Portuguese revolution, 1974-1975
Óscar J. Martín García
‘Doesn’t Paris like the Portuguese spring’? France and the Carnation Revolution
Victor Pereira
Lessons to be learned: the Portuguese revolution and the Spanish socialists in the mid-1970s
Alan Granadino
The Carnation Revolution in the West German press
Antonio Muñoz Sánchez
Book Review
‘Who have I forgotten': reflections on democracy, memory and colonialism, Gonçalo Margato
Miguel Cardina, O Atrito da Memória: Colonialismo, Guerra e Descolonização no Portugal Contemporâneo. Lisbon, Tinta-da-china, 2023, 216 pages.
*Esta edição recebeu o apoio da Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior de Portugal, no âmbito dos financiamentos UIDB/04627/2020 e UIDP/04627/2020
A revista Relações Internacionais está indexada na CSA PAIS, IBSS, IPSA, LATINDEX, SciELO Citation Index da Thomson Reuters, EBSCO e EHRI PLUS.