Special Issue
(In)Security and (In)Equality In the Atlantic
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Introductory note: (in)security and (in)equality in the Atlantic
Nuno Severiano Teixeira | Carmen Fonseca
The euro-Atlantic security order and the war in Ukraine
Patricia Daehnhardt
Proximity and competition: vaccine diplomacy in the Atlantic space
Eduard Soler i Lecha | Marixe Ruiz de Austri Arexolaleiba
Migrant life in exceptional pandemic times. A united Europe?
Teresa Rodrigues
Security and inequality: evidence from Portugal
Bruno P. Carvalho | Mariana Esteves | Susana Peralta
Social unrest and (urban) inequalities in the Atlantic region in the COVID-19 era
Eva Garcia Chueca
Rule of law and expert NGOs in Latin America
Mark Aspinwall
Brazilian Amazonian politics and policy (2019-22) and the need for transformative change
Joana Castro Pereira
Book Reviews
Promoting curiosity: introducing Portugal to Critical Theory, Bruno Rocha
José Manuel Pureza and Marcos Farias Ferreira (Orgs.)
Emancipar o Mundo: Teoria Crítica e Relações Internacionais
Unbalances and Europe’s aims, Patricia Daehnhardt
Carlos Gaspar
O Fim da Europa
Tensions, ambiguities and misconceptions of a pragmatic relationship, David Castaño
Daniel Marcos
Entre o Império e a NATO: Portugal e os Estados Unidos da América (1949-1961)
Denaturalising the natural: a critical analysis of contemporary peace operations, Thaíse Kemer
Ramon Blanco
Peace as Government: The Will to Normalize Timor-Leste
*Esta edição recebeu o apoio da Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior de Portugal, no âmbito dos financiamentos UIDB/04627/2020 e UIDP/04627/2020.
A revista Relações Internacionais está indexada na CSA PAIS, IBSS, IPSA, LATINDEX, SciELO Citation Index da Thomson Reuters, EBSCO e EHRI PLUS.