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R:I Special Issue


Portugal and Europe

Full Version

Editorial Note

Socialism, democracy and Europe. Transition and European integration: the Portuguese case
David Castaño

Portugal, Spain, and Europe: from the parallelism of the accession negotiations to the capitalisation of the third enlargement of the European Economic Community
Alice Cunha

The 2014 European electoral manifestos a preliminary analysis of the main competition dimensions
Jorge M. Fernandes and José Santana-Pereira

Federalism: is it the solution to the European Union crisis? A Portuguese view
José Pedro Teixeira Fernandes

Portugal, the European Union and the crisis
Teresa de Sousa and Carlos Gaspar


Book Reviews

In defence of a benign dual hegemony, Bernardo Pires de Lima
Tiago Moreira de Sá, Política Externa Portuguesa, Lisbon, Fundação Franciso Manuel dos Santos, 2015, 100 pages.

The splendour of political history, David Castaño
Rui Lopes, West Germany and the Portuguese Dictatorship, 1968-1974. Between Cold War and Colonialism, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, 269 pages.

The importance of historical memory: A first person account of the negotiations for Portugal’s accession to the European Community, Isabel Camisão
João Rosa Lã and Alice Cunha (Eds.), Memórias da Adesão à Mesa das Negociações, Silveira, Book Builders, 2016, 358 pages.

The double drama of Ernesto Melo Antunes, António Reis
Maria Inácia Rezola, Ernesto Melo Antunes, uma biografia política, Lisbon, Âncora, 2012, 792 pages.



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