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Seminário Internacional
International Seminar on Transatlantic Security
23 | Junho | 2015
Auditório do Instituto da Defesa Nacional

Programa do Seminário:

Opening Remarks
Director of the National Defence Institute (IDN)
President of the Luso American Development Foundation (FLAD)
Director of the Portuguese Institute for International Relations (IPRI-NOVA)

09h20 | Keynote speech
Simon Serfaty, Center for Strategic and International Studies

 | Coffee Break

10h30 | Session I: “NATO, Russia and Ukraine”
Chair: Teresa Patricio Gouveia, Gulbenkian Foundation
Lívia Franco, IEP
José Fânzeres, IDN
Carlos Gaspar, IDN

11h50 | Coffee Break

12h00 | Session II: “The War on Siria and Iraq”
Chair: Carlos Gaspar, IDN
Bruno Cardoso Reis, ICS
Ana Santos Pinto, IDN

13h30 | Lunch

15h00 | Session III: “NATO and the EU”
Chair: José Lamego
Lieutenant general Fontes Ramos, IEP
Isabel Ferreira Nunes, IDN
João Marques de Almeida, Hakluyt & Company (tbc)

16h30 |
 Coffee Break

16h45 | Session IV: “The Transatlantic Security and South Atlantic”
Chair: General Loureiro dos Santos
Luis Amado, former Portuguese Minister of Foreign Affairs
Ambassador Gelson Fonseca, General-Consul of Brazil in Porto
Admiral Reis Rodrigues, CPA

18h15 | Closing Remarks
Director of the National Defence Institute (IDN)
Director of the Portuguese Institute for International Relations (IPRI-NOVA)


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