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Conferência Internacional
"The United States, Western Europe and the Democratization of Latin America"
02 | Outubro | 2015
FLAD, Lisbon

Conference Programme:

10h00 | Opening Session
Dr. Mário Soares*
IPRI-NOVA, FLAD and FCG representatives
Bernardino Gomes and Ana Mónica Fonseca

10h45 | Coffee Break

11h00 | Session 1 - The International Dimensions of Democratic Transitions
Chair: Nuno Severiano Teixeira, IPRI-NOVA
Tiago Moreira de Sá (IPRI-NOVA) – The United States and the Portuguese Revolution
António Costa Pinto (ICS-UL) – The International Dimension of the Iberian democratizations
Thomas Legler (Univ. Iberoamericana, México) – Latin America Democratization

15h00 | Session 2 - The Socialist International and the Democratization of Latin America
Chair: Michael Baum, FLAD
Ana Mónica Fonseca (IPRI-NOVA & CEI-IUL) – Latin America and the Lessons of the Iberian Transitions
Bernd Rother (Willy Brandt Stiftung) – Willy Brandt: Causes and problems of a global socialist strategy
Fernando Pedrosa (Univ. of Buenos Aires) – Latin America and Socialist International

16h45 | Session 3 - RoundTable: Democracy and Internationalism
Chair: Teresa de Sousa, Público
Bernardino Gomes
Clóvis Brigagão
José Lamego

18h00 | End

With simultaneous translation.

*To be confirmed.

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