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Piracy and Maritime Terrorisms: Logistics, Strategies, Scenarios
19 | Maio | 2008   -  22 | Maio | 2008
Hotel Holiday Inn, Lisboa

|Participação por convite.
Participation by invitation|




MAY 19th

9h00 | Registration

10h00 | Introduction
Chairperson: Prof. Silvia Ciotti
Prof. Luis Nuno Rodrigues
Address of welcome to the participants
Ciotti S.- Presentation of the ARW

11h30 | Coffee break

12h00 | Session 1 «Piracy and maritime terrorism: old threats, new challenges»
Chairperson: Dr. Nabi Abdullaev
Pottengal M.– Piracy and armed attacks against vessels today
Ciotti S. – Piracy and maritime terrorism: connections, differences, future developments

13h00 | Lunch

14h30 | Session 2 «Sea risks and the security of energy transportation»
Chairperson: Prof. Luis Nuno Rodrigues
Mehdiyev F. - Providing and maintenance of oil plants and pipelines in the maritime security
Hanafi M. – The submarine transportation of the natural gas from Algeria to Europe through the Mediterranean sea

16h00 | Coffee break

16h30 | Session 3 «Sea and river ports: threats and security»
Chairperson: Dr. Bernard Delsupexhe
Delsupexhe B. – The security in the maritime ports
Kolev K. - A vulnerability assessment by developing scenarios for terrorist attacks
Zotti D. - The security of Italian ports. The port of Trieste

MAY 20th
9h30 | Session 4 «Vessels, boats, ships and passengers ships: different role, different threats»
Chairperson: Dr. Per Sønderstrup
Lorentzen L. - Implementation of maritime security in container shipping - strategies and future developments
Sønderstrup P. - Piracy, developments, preventive measures and risk reducing strategies for ships and crews
Kukhianidze A. -

11h00 | Coffee break

11h30 | Session 5 «The victims and the survivors: special issues in the victimizations of crews and passengers»
Chairperson: Dr. Conny Leporatti
Leporatti C. – Pirates attacks and post traumatic stress disorder in the crews
Ciotti S. - The crew. Assessing, training and supporting a crew facing new threats

13h00 | Lunch

14h30 | Session 6 «Threats and security in the Mediterranean and in the Red Sea»
Chairperson: Commodore Tarek Shahine Ali Shahine
Shahine T. – The procedure taken by Egypt for the prevention of armed robbery and piracy
Aldabbas O. – Piracy in the Red Sea

16h00 | Coffee break

16h30 | Workshop

MAY 21th
9h30 | Session 7 «The maritime terrorism»
Chairperson: Prof. Daniele Zotti
Aird W. - PBOS, PBIST work with focus on maritime terrorism - The protection of Maritime Assets Against Acts of Terrorism
Saradzhyan S. – Capabilities of terrorist groups/disgruntled insiders in Russia and from Russia for hijackings of nuclear vessels

11h00 | Coffee break

11h30 | Session 8 «The modern piracy»
Chairperson: Dr. Mukundan Pottengal
Mishuk G. - Contemporary Maritime Piracy in SE Asia
Maksen S. T. - The notion of Maritime Crimes in the Maghreb Region- Legal and policy aspects

13h00 | Lunch

14h30 | Session 9 «Surveillance and new technologies»
Chairperson: Dr. Farhad Mehdiyev
Shahbazian E. – Surveillance and interdiction technologies to enhance maritime domain awareness
Dill S. - Passive microwave remote sensing - a tool for maritime surveillance?
Stanko S. - A Comparison of Polarimetric Schemes to detect Small Maritime Targets

16h00 | Coffee break

16h30 | Workshop

MAY 22th
9h30 | Session 10 «New trends and future scenarios»
Chairpersons: Prof. Silvia Ciotti and Dr. Nabi Abdullaev
Kalinov K. - Some aspects of the emergence and evolution of terrorist organizations and their impact on the Maritime Security System
Johnson T. H. – What the war on terrorism can learn from the long war on piracy
Derardja D. – Sea risks and the occurrence of illegal acts
Cesaretti R. -

11h30 | Conclusions and Closing Ceremony

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