Colóquio Internacional
Corruption control in political life and the quality of democracy: A comparative perspective Europe-Latin America
19 | Maio | 2005 - 20 | Maio | 2005
ISCTE, Lisboa
19 de Maio
10.15|Welcome to Participants
Luís Antero Reto, President, ISCTE
António Firmino da Costa, President, CIES/ISCTE
Nuno Severiano Teixeira, Director, IPRI-UNL
João José Fernandes, OIKOS
11.00-12.30|Political corruption and the quality of Democracy: do ethical standards matters?
Moderador: António Costa Pinto, ICS/UL
Reconstructing politics: institutions and agency
Joan Prats i Català, Director IIGC and Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Corruption, legitimacy and the quality of Democracy in Latin America and Central and Eastern Europe
Svetlozar Andreev, Centre for the Study of Democracy, Westminster University
14.30-16.15|Political corruption, media and public opinion: investigation, trust and scandal
Moderador: José Manuel Leite Viegas, ISCTE
Trust, corruption and scandal
Paul Heywood, University of Nottingham
No país dos sacos azuis
Eduardo Dâmaso, Vice-Director, Público
O jornalismo como arma ineficaz contra a corrupção
José Vegar, Investigate journalist
16.30-18.30|Political corruption and the justice: political accountability, criminal responsability and moral costs
Moderador: Manuel Villaverde Cabral, ICS/UNL
Tipificação dos crimes de responsabilidade dos titulares de cargos políticos, abuso de funções e casos investigados. Dificuldades, transparência e denúncia de caluniosa no caso português
Maria José Morgado, Public Ministry Magistrate, Tribunal da Relação de Lisboa
Mani Pulite: Investigations into corruption held in Milan
Gherardo Colombo, Judge of the Court of Milan
Corruption as a normative system
Donatella della Porta, European University Institute
20 de Maio
10.30-13.00|Corruption control in political life: the challenges to conflict of interests and political financing regulation
Moderador: Carlos Jalali, Universidade de Aveiro
Corruption verus conflict of interests: the British experience
Robert Kaye, London School of Economics/CARR
Conflict of interests - concept, rules and practice regardind legislators in Latin America
Bruno Wilhelm Speck, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, SP
Challenges to political financing regulation: sound external monitoring/enforcement and sensible internal party accountability
Luís de Sousa, CIES/ISCTE & ANU, Australia
15.00-17.30|International Governmental and civil society efforts against corruption: actors and strategics of control
Moderadora: Marina Costa Lobo, ICS/UNL
The U.S. foreign corrupt practices act: a study of its effectiveness
Wesley Cragg, George R. Gardiner Professor of Business Ethics at the Schulich School of Business, York University
Civil society in the fight against corruption: progress reports from Europe and Latin America
Silke Pfeiffer, Regional Director, Americas, Transparency International
Corruption in Portugal: defining a framework for a pioneering research work, some results and future challenges
Cândida Almeida, Director, Central Department for Penal Action and Investigation, Portugal
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