Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

Prior information: The use of the www.unl.pt website of IPRI-NOVA is governed by the following terms and conditions, which the user undertakes to respect.

1. Legal Information and Conditions of Use of this Site:

This site belongs to IPRI-NOVA, with headquarters on Rua de D. Estefânia, 195 - 5ºD, 1000-155 Lisboa, legal number 506346064. All information and content provided on this site, including images, texts, information or any other document, as well as the trademark and graphic design of the site, are owned and / or licensed to IPRI-NOVA.

All contents provided by external entities to IPRI-NOVA are the sole responsibility of these entities, and IPRI-NOVA does not guarantee any rigor and current relevance.

It is expressly prohibited to copy, store, reproduce, alter, transmit, disclose, market or otherwise make available to third parties the information provided through this site, except for private, non-commercial purposes and for free. The possible use of information, especially when authorized, should always refer the source.

Access to this site implies full acceptance of the various legal notices and information contained therein, with the user being obliged to use the site in a lawful manner and in a way that does not cause any harm to the rights or interests of IPRI-NOVA or third parties.

By using this site, the user agrees not to:

  • Disrupt or interfere with the site's security.
  • Disrupt or interfere with the services, system resources, accounts, servers or networks connected to the site or accessible through it.
  • Access a non-authorized area/account and its information.
  • Use or attempt to use a third-party account, service or system - without authorization from IPRI-NOVA - and not to create or use a fake identity.
  • Relay, through this site, unsolicited advertising, chain mail, improper mail or any other type of unsolicited mass mailing (spam) to persons or entities that have not agreed to be the recipients of those messages.
  • Divulge neither his username nor his password to any third-party, either on-line or off-line.
  • Try to obtain an unauthorized access to the site - or parts of it - that are restricted from public access.

Links to other sites:

This site includes links to other sites.

These links are provided only for the convenience of the site users.

They DO NOT constitute any type of warranty, sponsorship or recommendation from IPRI-NOVA regarding the sites to which the links point to, their contents, the services or products available through them and the companies associated with them.

2. Limitations of Liability

IPRI-NOVA reserves the right to increase, eliminate or change the conditions of use of this site at any time, without prior notice, in order to adapt it to any modification resulting from the legislation in force or in order to guarantee or to improve the quality and effectiveness of the site.

IPRI-NOVA is not responsible for any damages arising from the access and / or use of this site, namely, for the errors or outdating that may exist in its contents. Likewise, IPRI-NOVA is not responsible for errors, discontinuations or damages that may arise from access and / or use of the sites or links to which it refers, as it has no control over its contents.

IPRI-NOVA shall not be liable for damages resulting from viruses that may infect the user's computer or network due to access to the site or transfer of content from the site to the user's computer or network.

3. Data Processing in Navigation

Access to this page may involve the use of cookies, both on your pages and on those pages linked to or referenced by links.

The use of cookies is done for the storage of some kind of information regarding the navigation in the site and does not allow to identify the user, and therefore will never contain information about personal data.

The user can choose not to receive cookies or to be informed about their fixation by configuring their browser for this purpose. IPRI-NOVA, however, is not responsible for the fact that the deactivation of these prevent the proper functioning of the page.

4. Personal Data:

Navigation on this site does not necessarily imply the provision of personal data.

IPRI-NOVA, however, makes available through this site, access to forms. For this purpose, the user must provide the requested data, which will be used exclusively for the purposes indicated in the respective online forms, with the consent of the user.

IPRI-NOVA respects your privacy and is committed to protecting it. You will always be informed about the use that will be given to your personal information - at the moment it's collected online - and which data is mandatory or optional. You will also be informed about the general conditions of right of access and correction, as well as who is responsible for treating the information and who will have access to it.

The staff at IPRI-NOVA - which is responsible for the treatment of personal information - is under the obligation of secrecy and confidentiality regarding all information which they have access to, during data input and manipulation. They are duly informed of the importance of abiding to this duty and are legally liable for any confidentiality breach.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the processing of your personal data, please contact IPRI-NOVA through the following contacts:

Rua de D. Estefânia, 195 - 5ºD
1000-155 Lisboa
Telf.: +351 21 314 11 76
Fax: +351 21 314 12 28
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

5. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

The privacy policy and legal notices of this site were executed in accordance with the applicable legislation, in particular the Lei de Proteção de Dados Pessoais (Lei n.º 67/98, de 26 de Outubro)/Personal Data Protection Law (Law no. 67/98, of October 26) and the Decreto-Lei n.º 7/2004, de 7 de Janeiro / Decree-Law No 7/2004, of 7 January, and may be revised or amended at any time, in particular, in order to be adapted to the legislation in force.

The use of the site is free and free of charges, and implies compliance with the privacy policy and legal notices of the site, as well as the applicable Portuguese legislation.

All conflicts that may arise as a result of the use of this site will be resolved in accordance with the current legislation in Portugal, being submitted to the jurisdiction of the courts of the district of Lisbon, expressly renouncing any other forum or jurisdiction.

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