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Manuela Franco
Ambassador of Portugal to Czech Republic, since April 2015. Former Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs in 2003-2004 and Director of the Diplomatic Institute, MFA, 2012-2015.
Marco Lisi
Assistant professor in the department of Political Studies, NOVA University of Lisbon and researcher at IPRI-NOVA. His research interests focus on political parties, electoral behaviour, democratic theory, political representation and election campaigns. |
Marco Paulo Almeida de Rodrigues Gonçalves
Lieutenant-Colonel of the Republican National Guard; graduate and master in Military Sciences, by the Portuguese Military Academy; degree in Law, by the Autónoma University of Lisbon. |
Margarida Marques
Professor at NOVA University of Lisbon, she has been researching international migration, with a special focus on post-colonial flows and their consequences on cities' participation in global processes.
Universidade |
Maria Ejarque Albuquerque
10+ years of profissional, of which 6 with the UN System and 3.5 at Government level. Academic training in International Relations and Communication Sciences, additional training in negotiations, mediation, international law and dispute resolution. |
Maria João Valente Rosa
PhD in Sociology, specialization in Demography (1993), by NOVA FCSH. Assistant Professor at NOVA FCSH's Department of Sociology, held several public positions between 2000 and 2009, in the Education and Science Ministries. |
Mário Martinho
PhD candidate in Political Science, at FCSH/NOVA, addressing the topic "power sharing in post-conflict context". Major of the Army, graduate and master in Military Engineering, by the Military Academy, with postgraduate studies in Military Sciences - Security and Defense, by the Instituto de Estudos Superiores Militares. |
Marta Mucznik
Brussels-based foreign affairs specialist and a Research Associate of the Portuguese Institute for International Relations (IPRI-NOVA).
Michelangelo Vercesi
Researcher in Comparative Politics at IPRI-NOVA, Michelangelo is guest lecturer at the Center for the Study of Democracy, Leuphana University Lüneburg, co-editor of the EJPR 'Political Data Yearbook' and executive board member of the IPSA/ISA Research Committee on Political Sociology. |
Milton Bragatti
PhD in International Relations at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal, and in Political and Social Sciences at Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna (UNIBO), Italy. MA in International Security, Peace and Conflicts at Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain.