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Tijl Vanneste
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Assistant researcher with an FCT grant, working on female labour in the diamond industry between the 16th and 20th centuries. Obtained a PhD in history at the European University Institute in Florence, and also studied at UC Berkeley, Yale, Leuven and UF de Minas Gerais.


Research Fields:

Gender history
Global history
History of Work

Recent Publications:

1. Blood, Sweat & Earth – The Struggle for Control over the World’s Diamond Deposits throughout History, Londres, Reaktion Books, 2021.

2. «Unpaid Diamonds: Trust, Reputation and the Merchants’ Style in Eighteenth-Century Europe», Shofar. An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies, 38:3, 2020, pp. 13-45.

3. «Instruments of Trade, or Maritime Entrepreneurs? – The Economic Agency of Dutch Seamen in the Golden Age», Journal of Social History, 52:4 (2019), pp. 1132-1164.

4. «Women in the Colonial Economy – The Agency of Female Food Sellers in Brazil’s Diamond District», Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies/Journal of Gender Studies, 18:3, 2015, pp. 255-272.

5. Global Trade and Commercial Networks: Eighteenth-Century Diamond Merchants, Pickering & Chatto, Londres, 2011.

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