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Alberto Cunha

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user outlineredResearch Associate

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PhD candidate at the Department of European and International Studies at King's College London, has an initial background in Economics and Business Administration (Bachelor and Master in the Portuguese Catholic University), including two stints as a Business Consultant and working for a French multinational bank in Paris. Afterwards, Alberto decided to delve further into his lifelong passion for International Relations, getting a Master from the University of Lisbon and gaining two work experiences in Portuguese embassies: six months as an intern in the Portuguese Representation to the OECD and one year as a political analyst in the Portuguese Embassy to the USA. In the meantime, and before starting his PhD in King’s College, he collaborated with two Portuguese associations for the study of International Relations and Politics, which included the writing and publication of one working paper and one article.

Research Interests:

European Union.
French and German foreign policies.
Franco-German axis.
NATO and Transatlantic relations.

Recent Publications:

1. Cunha, A. (2020). Post-Brexit EU Defence Policy: Is Germany Leading towards a European Army? E-International Relations, July.

2. Cunha, A. (2019). Compreender os nacionalismos na Europa do pós-guerra. Relações Internacionais, N.º 62, 75-83.

3. Cunha, A. (2019). Paving the new Silk Road: The evolution of the Sino-German Strategic Partnership (Working Paper N.º 67). Lisboa: Observatório Político.

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