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João Piedade

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user outlineredPhD Candidate

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Navy Commander, Lecturer in International Relations, Strategy and Scientific Research Methodology at the Instituto Universitário Militar (IUM) and a researcher at the Centro de Investigação de Segurança e Defesa (CISDI) and Instituto Português de Relações Internacionais (IPRI). His main areas of interest are Security Studies, Maritime Security Studies, Maritime Security in the Gulf of Guinea and Foresight. He is educated as a naval officer from the Portuguese Naval Academy with a BA in Naval Military Sciences, and he is a PhD candidate in International Relations - Security Studies and Strategy, FCSH/NOVA.

Research Fields:

International Relations.
Security Studies.
Maritime Security Studies.
Maritime Piracy.

Recent Publication:

1. Piedade, J. 2016. From Politicization to Securitization of Maritime Security in the Gulf of Guinea. The Croatian International Relations Review (CIRR) XXII (75) 2016, 69-85. Zagreb, Croatia.
2. Piedade, J. 2014. A Guerra de Manobra Naval. In: Barroso, L., Vieira, R. (coords) 2014. Estudos Estratégicos: Atas do Seminário de Estudos Estratégicos do Curso de Estado-Maior Conjunto 2013-14. Lisboa: Instituto de Estudos Superiores Militares. Coleção “Ares”; 1, 397-410.
3. P. Barata, J. Piedade, 2012. Pirataria no Oceano Índico: velha ameaça, novas tendências e futuro em perspectiva. Revista Segurança e Defesa nº20, Fevereiro a Abril de 2012, 22-29.

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