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Judite Gonçalves de Freitas

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Research Associate
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2. Aggregated by the Department of History and International Political Studies of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto (2007). Full Professor at Faculty of Human and Social Sciences of the Fernando Pessoa University since 2010. PhD in Political Science and International Relations at NOVA FCSH (2018), PhD in History at the University of Porto (1999), and Master of medieval history at the same institution in 1991. She concluded the rating in advanced studies in Political Science / International Studies at NOVA FCSH in January 2016. She was member of international and national collaborative research projects in Political Studies and Social History (political elites) at the Centre for Population, Economics and Society Studies (CEPESE/FCT) and researcher at Portuguese Institute for International Relations of New University of Lisbon (since 2015 - ).

Research Fields:

Political Studies and Social History (Middle Age, Modern Era and Liberalism).
State, Government and Institutions.
Council of State (genesis and metamorphoses).
Political elites.
Information Science (Library and Information Studies).

Recent Publications:

1. FREITAS, Judite A. Gonçalves de (2012). O Estado em Portugal (séculos XII-XVI). Modernidades medievais, Lisboa: Alêtheia Editores.
2. FREITAS, Judite A. Gonçalves de (2015), «Realidade institucional, historiografia e fontes de gestão financeira da corte medieval portuguesa», Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez. Nouvelle Série, La sociedad cortesana en la Península Ibérica (siglos XIV-XV): fuentes para su estudio, 45-2, 2015. [En ligne], 45-2 | 2015, mis en ligne le 15 novembre 2015.
3. FREITAS, Judite A. Gonçalves de (2015), «A atividade financeira da Corte dos reis de Portugal (séculos XIV e XV)», e-Spania. Revue interdisciplinaire d’études hispaniques médiévales et modernes [En ligne], 20 | février 2015, mis en ligne le 28 février 2015.
4. FREITAS, Judite A. Gonçalves de (2015), «A reunião magna de Torres Vedras de 1414: um conselho de Estado?», A conquista de Ceuta. Conselho régio, Torres Vedras / Instituto Alexandre Herculano, Lisboa: Edições Colibri, pp. 53-64.
5. CARDIM, Pedro e FREITAS, Judite A. Gonçalves de (2014). «O Mundo Urbano. A representação política nas/das cidades e vilas», in Luís Adão da Fonseca (coord.), Entre Portugal e a Galiza (sécs. XI a XVII) Um olhar peninsular sobre uma região histórica, Porto: Fronteira do Caos, pp. 209-224.



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