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Bernardo Pinto da Cruz

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Integrated Researcher
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Bernardo Pinto da Cruz, PhD in Global Studies, with a thesis about the socioeconomic effects of Portuguese villagization in Angola (FCT scholarship). He has a MA in Political Science and is co-author of Políticas Coloniais em Tempo de Revoltas (2016). He co-authored «A democracia na Europa» (IDN, 2018), the results of a IPRI-NOVA research project funded by FLAD. His recent research about penal concentration, rural development and institutional change was published in the Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth Studies and in the Portuguese Studies Review. He is currently working about the effects of concentration policies on the coercive structures of late-colonial Luanda, a study that has been accepted for publication in Comparativ (2020), and in the project «Imperial Electrification in Cape Verde, Angola and Mozambique», funded by the EDP Foundation. Bernardo is Invited Assistant in the Global Studies PhD Programme and in the Master on Migrations, Interethnicities and Transnationalism (NOVA FCSH)

Research Fields:

Rural development.
Concentration policies.
Urban planning.
Colonial legacies.
Science and political regimes.
European democracy.

Recent Publications:

1. «The Penal Origins of Colonial Model Villages: From Aborted Concentration Camps to Forced Resettlement in Angola (1930–1969)». The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 47:2, 2019: 343-371, DOI: 10.1080/03086534.2019.1605699.

2. A Democracia na Europa: Alemanha, França, Reino Unido e Espanha face às crises contemporâneas. Lisboa: Instituto da Defesa Nacional, 2018, co-authored by Tiago Roma Fernandes.

3. Políticas coloniais em tempo de revoltas: Angola circa 1961. Porto: Edições Afrontamento, 2016, co-authored by Diogo Ramada Curto and Teresa Furtado.

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