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Carla Fernandes

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user outlineredResearch Fellow

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Researcher of the IPRI-NOVA. She is Graduated in History and Social Sciences by Minho University, Master in Chinese studies by Aveiro Universit and as a doctorate in international relations by Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of New University of Lisbon. She is the author of articles and chapters in books on China and European Energy Security.

Research Fields:

Energy and Security.

Recent Publications:

1. Fernandes, Carla (2019). «Segurança Energética: Para Quem, Por Quem e De Que Ameaças?». Nação e Defesa, N.º 153, 73-100.
2. Fernandes, Carla & Rodrigues, Teresa Ferreira (2019). The Future of Energy: Prospective Scenarios on EU-Russia Relations. Nova Iorque: Nova Science Publishers.
3. Fernandes, Carla & Rodrigues, Teresa Ferreira (2017). Geopolitics of Energy and Energy Security. Lisboa: Instituto da Defesa.
4. Fernandes, Carla et al. (2014). Portugal, a Geopolítica da Energia e a Segurança Energética Europeia (Policy Paper 5). Lisboa: Instituto da Defesa Nacional.
5. Fernandes, Carla (2014). «A Energia nas relações China-Brasil». Nação e Defesa, N.º 138, 151-175.

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