Raquel Vaz-Pinto
Integrated Researcher
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Integrated Researcher at IPRI-NOVA and Invited Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Studies, NOVA FCSH, Raquel has worked and published about Chinese foreign policy and strategy, US grand strategy and Asia-Pacific, religion in international relations, and the Portuguese and the world: perceptions and attitudes. Author of the paper Os Portugueses e o Mundo, published by Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos, and the book A Grande Muralha e o Legado de Tiananmen, a China e os Direitos Humanos, published by Tinta-da-china.
Research Fields:
Chinese Foreign Policy and Strategy.
US Grand Strategy and the Asia-Pacific.
The Portuguese and the World.
Religion and International Relations.
Recent Publications:
1. Vaz-Pinto, Raquel; Costa-Pinto, António; Camerlo, Marcelo; Homem-Cristo, Alexandre; e Koçak, Canberk, «Political Science in Portugal in the 21st Century: A Critical Appraisal», in Barbara Krauz-Mozer (ed.)Political science in Europe at the beginning of the 21st century, Jagiellonian University Press, Cracóvia, 2015.
2. Os Portugueses e o Mundo, Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos e Relógio-de-Água, Lisbon, 2014.
3. «Peaceful Rise and the Limits of Chinese Exceptionalism», in RBPI – Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional, Special Edition: China Rising - Strategies and Tactics of China’s growing presence in the world, Vol. 57, 2014, pp. 210-224.
4. A Grande Muralha e o Legado de Tiananmen, a China e os Direitos Humanos, Tinta-da-china, Lisboa, 2010.