Bernardo Pires de Lima
Associated Researcher
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Bernardo Pires de Lima (Lisbon, 1979) is an Associate Fellow at the Portuguese Institute of International Relations (since 2004), a foreign affairs columnist for the Portuguese daily newspaper, Diário de Notícias (since 2010), a foreign affairs analyst for the national television and radio broadcasts RTP and Antena 1 (since 2015), and a member of the strategic council of the Institute for the Promotion and Development of Latin America (IPDAL). In 2017, he became Partner at FIRMA where he leads the Geopolitical Risk area. Previously, he was Visiting and Nonresident Fellow at the Center for Transatlantic Relations (2012-2018), Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University in Washington D.C, and a Research Associate at the National Defense Institute. Author of O Lado B da Europa: Viagem às 28 Capitais (2018), Administração Hillary (with Raquel Vaz-Pinto, 2016) Putinlândia (2016), Portugal e o Atlântico (2016), A Síria em Pedaços (2015), A Cimeira das Lajes: Portugal, Espanha e a Guerra do Iraque (2013) and Blair, a Moral e o Poder (2008). He has been a lecturer at several national and European universities and diplomatic academies. His opinions have been published in The Huffington Post, The National Interest, Hurriyet Daily News, Berlin Policy Journal or The Diplomat.
Research Fields:
Transatlantic Security.
European Union.
American, British and Portuguese Foreign Policies.
Middle East Geopolitics.
Recent Publications:
1. «Contending European views on a new post-brexit balance» (with Erik Brattberg and Kinga Brudzinska), Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2020.
2. The B-Side of Europe: A Journey to the 27 Capital Cities, Lisboa: Tinta-da-China, 2019.
3. Putinlândia, Lisboa: Tinta-da-China, 2016.
4. Portugal e o Atlântico, Lisboa: Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos, 2016.
5. «Germany's Unipolar Moment» (with Erik Brattberg), Berlin Policy Journal, 2015.