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Manuela Franco

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Diplomat, former Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (2003-2004), and Director of the Diplomatic Institute (2012-2015). Guest Professor, Seminar on African Studies, MA on Political Science & International Relations and Diplomatic Studies, BA, both at UNL, 2008-2013. Diplomat in residence, Fellow Abade Correia da Serra, IPRI-NOVA, 2005-2011. She was an Associate Researcher at Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Lisbon University, 1999; Senior partner and manager of the C.ª Triângulo, S.I, Lisbon Consultants, 1991-1999; and Editor of the quarterly "Política Internacional", Lisbon, 1990-91. Diplomatic officer at the MFA, Lisbon, since 1979 and served has Human Rights Desk Officer at the Permanent Mission of Portugal to the United Nations, in NY 1981-85. She holds a Law degree, Law School University of Lisbon, 1979.

Research Fields:

Portuguese Foreign Policy.

Recent Publications:

1. Os Desnacionalizados Da I República, in A I República Portuguesa: Diplomacia Guerra e Império, coord. Filipe Ribeiro de Menezes e Pedro Aires de Oliveira, ed Tinta da China, 2011, Lisboa.
2. Oriental Jews Of Portuguese Origin " The 20th Century Portuguese Jews From Salonica, in Borders and Boundaries in an around Dutch Jewish History , aksant Amsterdam, 2011, Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on the History and Culture of the Jews in the Netherlands.
3. Portugal no Conselho de Segurança: O Médio Oriente, in Relações Internacionais, nº 28, Dezembro de 2010, pp -99-118, Lisboa.
4. EU and Africa: Looking for Strategic Partnership, Coord. Ed. Luso American Foundation & IPRI-UNL, Lisbon, December, 2009, 310p.
5. Strategy and Security in Southern Africa, Coord. Ed. Ed. Luso American Foundation & IPRI-UNL, Lisbon, July 2007, 251 p.

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