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Carmen Fonseca

cf foto 2022
user outlineredIntegrated Researcher

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Executive Director of IPRI-NOVA and Assistant Professor (with Habilitation) in the Department of Political Studies at NOVA FCSH. In 2023, she was a Visiting Professor at the Institute of Social and Political Studies of UERJ (Rio de Janeiro) and at IREL of the University of Brasília. In 2012, she was a Visiting Fellow at the Center for International Relations of Fundação Getúlio Vargas (Rio de Janeiro). From 2008 to 2024, she served as Editor-in-Chief of the Relações Internacionais journal. She holds a PhD (2014) in International Relations from NOVA FCSH, with a thesis titled "As estratégias de política externa na construção do Brasil emergente: uma análise do período de Lula da Silva".

Research Fields:

Foreign Policy Analysis.
Emerging Powers.

Recent Publications:

1. with Bruno Theodoro Luciano, "UE-Brazil Relations: Opportunities and Challenges from the Global Gateway and the Amazon Fund Initiatives", Policy Brief 8/2024, UNU-CRIS, 18/07/2024. Available here.
2. "Portuguese foreign policy to Latin America: a yo-yo approach", In Gardini, Gian Luca (ed.), The redefinition of the EU presence in Latin America. Berlin: Peter Lang, 2023.
3. A Política Externa do Governo Lula: retórica, ambivalência e pragmatismo. Rio de Janeiro: Editora FGV, 2022.
4. with Letícia Pinheiro, Portugal-Brasil: encontros e desencontros, Lisboa: Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos, 2022.
5. "Política externa e Cooperação Sul-Sul do Brasil: interesses e solidariedade em jogo", In Vitale, Denise, e Kraychete, Elsa Sousa (eds.), Entre a África e a América do Sul: dilemas e desafios do Brasil na Cooperação Sul-Sul, Salvador: Edufba, 2021.

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