Emily Lange
PhD Student
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With a PhD in Human Geography, Emily now furthers her studies as a PhD candidate in History and Theory of International Relations.
Research Fields:
IR History and Theory.
Martin Wight.
Ideologies and International Revolutions.
Recent Publications:
1. Pires, I. & Lange, E. 2019. O PNPOT e os processos de cooperação territorial em Portugal. Special Issue: Políticas Públicas e Ordenamento do Território em Portugal – Uma análise crítica do PNPOT 1.0 e 2.0, Public Policy Portuguese Journal, Vol.4 No.2, pp.52-67, ISSN 2183-8992.
2. Lange, E. 2018. ‘Cross-border Cooperation in Action: Taking a Closer Look at the Galicia-North of Portugal European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation’, Journal of Borderland Studies 33:3, pp.415-431, DOI: 10.1080/08865655.2016.1195701.
3. Lange, E. & Pires, I. 2018 ‘The role and rise of European cross-border entities’ in E. Medeiros (ed.) ‘European Territorial Cooperation. Theoretical and Empirical Approaches to the Process and Impacts of Cross-Border and Transnational Cooperation in Europe’, Nova York: Springer, p.135-149.
4. Lange, E. 2017. Espessura Institucional Transfronteiriça: da Raia Ibérica à Galiza Norte de Portugal. Geopolítica(s) 8:2, pp.51-89. DOI: 10.5209/geop.55308 .
5. Pires, I. & Lange, E. 2016 ‘Quatro olhares sobre a raia ibérica: da fronteira “sentida” à fronteira “complexa”, in ‘Fronteras en la investigación peninsular: temáticas y enfoques contemporáneos / Fronteiras na investigação peninsular: temáticas e abordagens contemporâneas’, Trillo Santamaría, J. M. & Pires, I. (coord.), pp. 89-106.