Romário Sampaio Basílio
PhD Candidate
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Read History at State University of Maranhão, Brazil (2014); Master's in Modern History at NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal (2014-2016); Ph.D. fellow in Global Studies at the same University. My research interests are the History of Brazil and Portugal; History of Amazon; History of Science and the transit of intellectuals, the spread of books, and knowledge (18th/19th century), Globalization in historical perspective.
Research Fields:
History of Ideas.
History of Amazon.
History of Science.
Recent Publications:
1. Basílio, R. S.; Galves, M. C.; Pinto, L. (2016). Gramáticas e dicionários em circulação pelo Maranhão no início do Oitocentos In: Livro, Leitura e Leitores: Perspectiva histórica.1 ed.São Luís : EDUFMA/Café&Lápis, 2016, v.1, p. 1-632.