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Teresa Nogueira Pinto 

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user outlineredResearch Fellow

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Phd candidate in Global Studies at NOVA FCSH with a doctoral scholarship from FCT. Master in International Relations (Institute of Political Studies of the Catholic University of Portugal) with a dissertation about the models of international, national and grassroots justice in post genocide Rwanda. Graduated in Political Science (Catholic University of Portugal). Her research project focuses on presidential term limits in Sub Saharan Africa.

Research Fields:

African Studies.
Presidentialism in Sub Saharan Africa.
Political legitimacy.

Recent Publications:

1. PINTO, Teresa Nogueira, Um Genocídio de Proximidade: Justiça, Poder e Sobrevivência no Ruanda, Editorial Caritas, Lisboa, 2014, ISBN: 9789729008269.

2. PINTO, Teresa Nogueira, “Ruanda: Entre a Segurança e a Liberdade”, Revista de Relações Internacionais, 2011, n.32, pp. 45-57, ISSN 1645-9199.

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