João Silveira
PhD Candidate
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Independent researcher and analyst, and PhD candidate in Global Studies at FCSH - New University of Lisbon with a doctoral studentship from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT). Presently developing a PhD thesis on maritime security entitled “The Roles of the EU and NATO in Promoting Maritime Security. From Strategic Thinking to Engagement”. Holds degrees in European Policies and Territorial Cooperation (M.A.), and in International Relations (B.A.) from University of Minho. Has diverse professional activities, and most recently has collaborated with the Dutch think tank The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies.
Research Areas:
EU Common Security and Defence Policy.
Maritime Security.
Security Studies.
Global Studies.
Publicações Recentes:
1. Silveira, João. 2017. “A Resposta da União Europeia às Migrações Irregulares Marítimas: Iniciativas em Mar”. idn cadernos julho (25).