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Franco Tomassoni

user outlineredPhD Candidate

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Graduate in 2012 in Anthropology in na Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia - Universitá di Bologna with a critical dissertation about the thought of Serge Latouche. Master in 2014 in Political Science and International Relations in the speciality of Area Political Studies in Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas – Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCSH-NOVA) with the dissertation about the impact of Shale Gas produced in United States of America and the possible future scenarios to the European energy security. Guest researcher in the project “The Geopolitics of Gas and the Future of Euro-Russian Relations” financed by FCT, hosted by IPRI, in collaboration with the Instituto da Defesa Nacional. PhD Student in the doctoral program of Global Studies in FCSH/NOVA with the project of thesis “Hegemonias e Modernidades em conflito: Os EUA em Angola e a construção de um Império informal”.

Research Fields:

Global History.
Comparative Politics.
International Relations.
International Economy.
Energy Policies.

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