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Luís Tomé

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Integrated Researcher at IPRI-NOVA, Luís is Full Professor at the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, where he is Director of the Department of International Relations and of its research unit OBSERVARE-Observatory of Foreign Affairs. He is Guest Professor at the National Defense Institute (IDN), the Military University Institute (IUM), the Higher Institute of Police Sciences and Internal Security (ISCPSI) and Visiting Professor from La Sapienza-Universitá di Roma, Italy and from the Middle East Technical University (METU) in Ankara-Turkey. He was Assistant/Technician Specialist for International Relations and Combating Terrorism in the Office of the Minister of Internal Administration (Nov. 2015 – Oct. 2017); Advisor to the Vice-President of the European Parliament (1999-2004); and NATO-EAPC Researcher for two years, writing the report “Russia and NATO's Enlargement” (2000).

With a PhD in International Relations from the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra (FEUC), he is the author and co-author of more than a dozen books and numerous essays and articles published in specialist journals. He has been a guest speaker at high-profile conferences and regularly collaborates with various media outlets, analyzing and commenting on international policy and security issues. 


Research interests:

International and European Security
Asia/ Indo-Pacific
Eurasia/ Post-Soviet Space

Recent publications:

1. TOMÉ, Luis (2023), «A Guerra na Ucrânia dividiu o Mundo, mas não exatamente entre Democracias e Autocracias» in IDN Brief – Ucrânia Um Ano Depois, 24 fevereiro 2023: pp. 9-11.

2. TOMÉ, Luis (2023), «The BRI in Xi’s China "Grand Strategy": an instrument to restore Chinese centrality in a New Era» in F. Leandro, P. Duarte and E. Gálan (Eds), Globalization with Chinese Characteristics: the role of the Belt and Road Initiative. Palgrave Macmillan: pp. 67-90. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-19-6700-9_5; URL:

3. TOMÉ, Luis (2023), «A NSS de Biden: mesmas prioridades, com mais China do que Indo-Pacífico» in IDN Brief – Estratégia de Segurança Nacional dos Estados Unidos, janeiro 2023: pp. 6-7. URL

4. TOMÉ, Luis (2022), «Chapter II. NATO - the urgent need of Adaptation (again) in a Changing World: Revitalization of Political Dimension, Southern Flank and China factor» in O. Tufeki and R. Dag (Eds), Trends and Transformation in World Politics. London, Lexington Books: pp. 47-80. URL:

5. TOMÉ, Luis (2022), «The impacts of the Pandemic Crisis on International Politics» in S.S. Erçetin, N. Potas and S. N. Açikalin (Eds), Beyond COVID-19. Multidisciplinary Approaches and Outcomes on Diverse Fields. Springer/ World Scientific Publishing, pp. 49-84.



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