Cláudia Generoso de Almeida
Integrated Researcher
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With a PhD in Political Science, Administration and International Relations, Cláudia is an Integrated Researcher at IPRI-NOVA and Invited Assistant Professor at ISCTE-IUL, collaborating with the Centro de Estudos Internacionais do ISCTE-IUL. She has collaborated on several research projects at the ICS-University of Lisbon and is a country expert in the V-DEM project. Her research focuses on post-war democracies, elections, electoral violence, election observation, and protest, with a special focus on Africa.
Research Interests:
Civil War
Electoral Violence
International Election Observation
Recent Publications:
1. Generoso de Almeida, C., Sá, A. L., Faria, P. C (2022). «Leadership Transition and Protest in Angola: political opportunities for popular protest in resilient authoritarian regimes in Africa». In Popular Protest, Political Opportunities, and Change in Africa. Routledge.
2. Raimundo, F. and Generoso de Almeida, C. (2019). «The legacy of the Portuguese transition to democracy. April-warriors versus November-warriors». In Lost in Transition? Rethinking the ‘success story’ of Southern European Democratizations. Palgrave Macmillan.
3. Meyer Resende, M. and Generoso de Almeida, C. (2018). «O papel da Igreja Católica na democratização pós-guerra em Angola e Moçambique». Relações Internacionais n.º 59, pp. 43-63.
4. Generoso de Almeida, C. (2017). «Processos de Transição Dupla em Angola e Moçambique: a adaptação do MPLA e da FRELIMO». In Democratização, Memória e Justiça de Transição nos Países Lusófonos. Rio de Janeiro: Autografia.