Paula Borges Santos
Research Fellow
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Paula Borges Santos completed a degree in History from the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the New University of Lisbon (NOVA FCSH) in 2012. She is a Principal Researcher (CEEC Individual) at the Portuguese Institute of International Relations of NOVA FCSH, and invited Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Coimbra. She was a postdoctoral fellow at the Foundation for Science and Technology (2013-2019), at the Institute of Contemporary History (IHC) of NOVA FCSH (2013-1019) and at the Department of Contemporary History of the Universidad Nacional de Enseñanza a Distancia (UNED - Madrid). She directed the Justice, Regulation and Society Research Group there (2015-2020) at IHC. She was a visiting professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (2015 and 2020). She has been distinguished with 3 awards. She is currently co-responsible investigator of 1 Luso-Brazilian project and a member of the working team on 3 international projects (based in Spain). She has supervised master's theses and is currently directing doctoral theses and master's dissertations. A scholar of the phenomena of authoritarianism and the emergence of democracies, relating the case of Portugal to similar historical realities in Europe and Latin America, she has published extensively on authoritarian political institutions, constitutionalism, labor regulation, politics, and religion.
Research Fields:
Authoritarian Regimes.
Emergence of Democracies.
Political Institutions.
Recent Publications:
1.SANTOS, Paula Borges, Dom António Ribeiro, Lisboa, Universidade Católica Editora, 2021, 414 p. ISBN 978-972-540-806-3.
2.SANTOS, Paula Borges, Pimentel, Irene Flunser, Damele, Giovanni (coord.), Punir O Inimigo. Perspetivas legais e discurso político na justiça de transição, Lisboa, Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, 2021, 320 p. ISBN: 978-972-671-634-1.
3.SANTOS, Paula Borges, “La Constitución de Weimar y el Constitucionalismo del Autoritarismo Portugués”. In Estado y Constitución en la República de Weimar, ed. by Leonardo Álvarez Álvarez. Madrid, Marcial Pons. Ediciones Jurídicas y Sociales, 2021, pp. 273-306.
4.SANTOS, Paula Borges, “A Construção Autoritária do Direito do Trabalho em Portugal: Evolução e Legados” in Revista Internacional do Direito do Trabalho, Ano 1, n.º 1, 2021, pp. 1111-1167. ISSN: 2184-8815 Disponível em: