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João Cancela

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Research Fellow
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Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Studies at NOVA FCSH since 2021. Before that he was an adjunct lecturer at the University of Minho (2017-2019), a Phd scholarship holder from FCT (2013-2017) and a policy officer at the High Commission for Migration (2012-2013). He finished his PhD in Political Science at NOVA FCSH in 2020. Before that, he worked for the Portuguese High Commission for Immigration and Intercultural Dialogue. In 2014/2015 he was a visiting PhD researcher at CIRCaP, University of Siena. He has taken part in various research projects in the fields of comparative politics and the incorporation of immigrants.

Research Fields:

Comparative politics.
Political participation.
Political parties.

Recent Publications:

1. Marco Lisi and João Cancela (2017). “Types of party members and their implications: Results from a survey of Portuguese party members”, Party Politics, advanced online publication. [online]

2. João Cancela (2017). “Eleições: quadros institucionais e dinâmicas de participação”, in Tiago Fernandes (org.), Variedades de Democracia na Europa do Sul 1968-2016. Uma Comparação entre Espanha, França, Grécia, Itália e Portugal, Lisboa: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais.

3. João Cancela, António Luís Dias and Marco Lisi (2016). "The impact of endorsements in intra-party elections: evidence from open primaries in a new Portuguese party", in Politics, Online First pp.1-17. [online]

4. Magalhães, P.T., Cancela, J., e Moury, C. (2016) “Scattered Clouds in the Horizon of Consensus: Attitudes of Portuguese Parliamentary Elites Towards Europe Before and After the Crisis”. Historical Social Research, 41(4). [online]

5. João Cancela and Benny Geys (2016), “Explaining Voter Turnout: A Meta-Analysis of National and Subnational Elections. [online]

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