Teresa Ferreira Rodrigues
Integrated Researcher
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Associate Professor with Habilitation at NOVA FCSH's Department of Political Studies and Invited Professor at NOVA Information Management School, holds a PhD in History by NOVA FCSH. Coordinator of three Pos-graduations: Strategic and security studies (a partnership between NOVA and IDN-MDN); Globalization, diplomacy and security (a partnership between NOVA, IDI-MNE and IESM- Estado Maior General das Forças Armadas-MDN); Information management and security (a partnership between NOVA, IDN-MDN and SIRP- PCM). She is a member of the Board of IPRI-NOVA and coordinates the research group of Foresight and Strategic Planning. She belongs to several national and international associations in the fields of demographic studies and international relations. Responsible and member of national and international projects, financed, namely by the Ministry of National Defense, the Foundation for Science and Technology and European Community funds. Author of more than a hundred articles and twelve published books.
Research Fields:
Forecast analysis and planning.
Recent Publications:
1. 2019 - The Future of Energy: Prospective Scenarios on EU-Russia Relations (coord. com Carla Fernandes). Nova Iorque: NOVA Publishers, Col. Defense, Security and Strategies (ISBN: 978-1-53615-608-9)
2. 2019 - Security at a Crossroad. New tools for new challenges (coord. com André Inácio). Nova Iorque: NOVA Publishers, Col. Defense, Security and Strategies. (ISBN: 978-1-53615-331-6)
3. 2018 - Modelos Preditivos e Segurança Pública (coord. Com Marco Painho), Porto, Fronteira do Caos (ISBN: 978-989-99755-7-6).
4. 2018 - Envelhecimento e Politicas de Saúde, Coleção Ensaios da Fundação, Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos, Lisboa (ISBN: 978-989-8863-74-4)
5. 2018 - A República Popular da China no mundo global do século XXI (coord. com Rui Pais dos Santos). Lisboa: Centro de Investigação de Segurança e Defesa- IUM, Cadernos do IUM nº117 (ISBN: 978-989-54153-3-5) Disponível em: https://cidium.ium.pt/docs/publicacoes/2nepr6qqnvok0gw4s8.pdf