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Madalena Meyer Resende

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user outlineredIntegrated Researcher

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Madalena Meyer Resende is Assistant Professor with Habilitation at the Department of Political Studies, NOVA University of Lisbon. She holds a PhD from the London School Economics & Political Science (2005)
and was a Gulbenkian Research Fellow (2005-2006) at the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) in Brussels. She publishes on issues of nationalism and religion, with a focus on Poland and Spain. Besides several papers and chapters in Portuguese and international journals, and books, she is the sole author of The unintended effects of Europe on Central and East European party systems: Poland and beyond (2009) and Catholicism and Nationalism: Transforming Party Politics in Europe, published by Routledge in 2015. She is currently president of the Portuguese Association of Political Science.

Research Fields:

Church-state relations
Central and Eastern Europe
European Politics

Recent Publications:

1. 2015 (with Anja Hennig) ‘Shunning direct intervention: Explaining the exceptional behavior of the Portuguese Church hierarchy in morality politics’, New Diversities, vol.17, no.2.

2. 2015 (with Anja Hennig) “Bedingungen der Aktivierung von moralpolitischen Konflikten. Konservativ- religiöse Identitäten und die religiöse Konfliktlinie in der spanischen Debatte um die Verschärfung des Abtreibungsgesetzes nach 2010” in Werkner, I.J und Hidalgo, O.(eds), Religiöse Identitäten in politischen Konflikten (2015), AK-Band, Berlin.

3. (2015) Catholicism and Nationalism: Changing Nature of Party Politics, Basingstoke: Routledge.

4. 2014 ‘As Relações entre a Polónia e a Rússia: 1980-2011’ in Daehnhardt, P. e Freire, M.R. (eds.) A Política Externa Russa no Espaço Euro-Atlântico: Dinâmicas de cooperação e competição num espaço alargado, Almedina, Coimbra.

5. 2011 "Transformando a nação: Os nacionalismos dos partidos de centro-direita em Espanha e na Polónia", Análise Social, 201, pp. 741-764.

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