Project: Varieties of Democracy in Contemporary Portugal
Funding Source: Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos (FFMS)
Participant Institutions: IPRI-NOVA, FCSH/NOVA, FFMS and University of Gothenburg
Timeframe: 2015-2020
Abstract: The goal of this project is to study democracy in Portugal in a comparative perspective with other Southern Europe countries from the 1970’s to 2019.
Members of the Team:
Edalina Sanches
Edna Costa
João Cancela
José Santana Pereira
Pedro Silveira
Pedro Sousa
Rui Branco
Thierry Dias Coelho
Tiago Fernandes (Coordinator)
Tiago Tiburcio
Vânia Alvares
Main outputs:
Project Website: http://www.fcsh.unl.pt/v-dem/