Project: Democracy in times of crisis: Power and Discourse in a three-level game - DemoCris
Funding Source: FCT (PTDC/IVC-CPO/2247/2014)
Participant Institutions: IPRI-NOVA and Instituto de Filosofia da Linguagem (IFL-FCSH)
Timeframe: 2016-2019
Abstract: While many studies have examined the content and effects of the reforms passed during the crisis in different countries (the 'what'), still very little is known about the process leading to their adoption (the 'how'). Moreover, two contradictory narratives co-exist in the scarce literature addressing this topic. On the one hand, scholars argue that governments have been forced to implement very specific reforms against their will, in return for bail-out loans or after implicit blackmail by the ECB. By contrast, other studies claim that the crisis empowered governments to pass reforms they wanted all along. So which narrative is correct? And which accountability issues do these processes raise?
Members of the Team:
Alexandre Afonso
Ana Marta Guillén
Angie Gago
Catherine Moury (Coordinator)
Daniel Cardoso
Dima Mohammed
Edna Costa
Elisabetta De Giorgi
Enrico Borghetto
Federico Russo
Jonathan Hopkin
José Tavares
Kenneth Dubin
Madalena Meyer Resende
Marcin Lewinski
Marco Lisi
Pellegrino Cammino
Rui Branco
Stefano Sacchi
Styliani Ladi
Tiago Moreira de Sá
Tiago Fernandes
Vasiliki Tsagkroni