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'Small States and Big Powers: Portugal and Iceland´s Foreign Relations'
August 30 | 2022

University of Iceland, Reykjavík


Presential, free admission

Researcher in charge: Alice Cunha

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Venue: Oddi 202, University of Iceland

10:30-10:45 Does Size Matter? The Case of Portugal and Iceland

Introduction of the Euro-Atlantic project by Dr. Alice Cunha, NOVA University Lisbon

10:45-10:55 Iceland´s Relations with the Nordic States

Auður Birna Stefánsdóttir, University of Iceland

10:55-11:05 Sino-Icelandic Relations: A Shelter Relationship?

Snæfríður Grímsdóttir, University of Iceland

11:05-11:15 The Small State and the Superpower: Iceland‘s Relations with the United States

Skafti Ingimarsson, Akureyrar Akademían

11:15-12:20 Discussions

Moderator, Baldur Thorhallsson, University of Iceland



Venue: Lögberg 102, University of Iceland

14:00-14:20 Introductory remarks by Baldur Thorhallsson and Alice Cunha

14:20-14:35 Portugal and NATO: Enduring Alliance or Necessary Shelter?

Nuno Severiano Teixeira, NOVA University Lisbon

14:35-14:45 Iceland‘s Participation in the European Project: Genuine or False Shelter?

Baldur Thorhallsson, University of Iceland

14:45-14:55 Portugal and the European Union‘s Shelter: A Perfect Fit?

Alice Cunha, NOVA University Lisbon

14:55-15:05 Portugal’s Contemporary Relations with Africa: A Limited ‘Shelter’?

António Raimundo, University of Minho

15:05-15:40 Discussions

Moderator, Klemens Ólafur Þrastarson


Seminar organized in the scope of project "EURO-ATLANTIC: The European and Atlantic dimensions of Portugal and Iceland’s foreign policies", financed by EEA Grants Portugal.

Partners: IPRI–NOVA, NOVA FCSH and the Institute of International Affairs and the Centre for Small State Studies - University of Iceland


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