Book presentation "Estado Rico, Estado Pobre"
April 9th, 2024, 6 pm
Colégio Almada Negreiros, Anfiteatro 209
Book presentation
"Estado Rico, Estado Pobre"
Author: Greg Mills
April 9th, 2024, 6 pm
Colégio Almada Negreiros, Anfiteatro 209 | NOVA Campolide campus
The IPRI-NOVA, in partnership with The Brenthurst Foundation, is pleased to announce the presentation of the book "Rich State, Poor State," which will take place on April 9, 2024, at 6 p.m., in Amphitheater 209 of Almada Negreiros College (CAN), Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of Universidade Nova de Lisboa (NOVA FCSH).
In this book, Greg Mills questions how and why some states thrive, grow their economies, and develop their populations while others, facing similar challenges, sink into low growth, social disintegration, and failure. How did Botswana transition from one of the least developed and poorest nations at independence to enjoying the highest per capita growth rate of any country in the world? Why hasn't South Africa achieved similar levels? How did the Baltic States carry out reforms that placed them among the best-performing economies in Europe? How did Vietnam overcome a traumatic past for rapid and positive development transformation? Why is Mexico the only major developing economy competing with China in the manufacturing industry?
Insightful and inspiring, "Rich State, Poor State" shows that with better choices, correct policies, and the will to implement them, it is entirely possible to journey from poverty to prosperity.