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Report presentation «Transatlantic Trends 2022»
October 19, 2022 | 5:30 PM
FLAD's Auditorium
Free admittance


FLAD (Luso-American Development Foundation) presents the report «Transatlantic Trends 2022: Public Opinion in Times of Geopolitical Turmoil» next Wednesday, October 19, at 5:30 PM, in a conference with Raquel Vaz-PintoIPRI-NOVA researcher, Pedro Magalhães, researcher at the Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade de Lisboa, and  Gesine Weber, research analyst at the German Marshall Fund in Paris, who will present the results for Portugal.

The already public report, which includes Portugal again, with the support of FLAD, was produced by the German Marshall Fund of the United States and the Bertelsmann Foundation. It results from a public opinion survey conducted in 14 countries, on both sides of the Atlantic, on the reaction of governments to Russia's war in Ukraine, the management of relations with China and Russia, and the role of NATO and the European Union.

The presentation/ conference will be held at FLAD's Auditorium, in Lisbon (Rua do Sacramento à Lapa, n.º 21) and admittance is free. 





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