Open Science Month at NOVA FCSH
October 14 to 28, 2022
Hybrid format
Online/ at CAN
October is Open Science Month at NOVA FCSH, promoted by the Open Science Working Group (GTCA, in the Portuguese acronym), this year in partnership with Wikimedia Portugal. The program includes several informative sessions and workshops.
The initiative is organized in the scope of the International Open Access Week, fostered annually by SPARC, which this year (October 24-30) is dedicated to the theme “Open Science for Climate Justice”. The global event supports that "openness can create pathways to more equitable knowledge sharing and serve as a means to address the inequities that shape the impacts of climate change and our response to them.” More information here.
Open Science Month at NOVA FCSH is composed of online or hybrid sessions, using the Colibri/ Zoom platform. The complete program can be looked up below, as well as links for registering in each session:
- Informative session Copyright and Creative Commons for scientific publication
October 14, 11 AM - 12, Colibri / Zoom platform
Speaker: Teresa Nobre, Legal coordinator of the Portuguese Creative Commons project
- Workshop Depositar publicações em Acesso Aberto no PURE
October 18, 2:30 - 4 PM, Colibri / Zoom platform
Speaker: Cátia Carvalho, Libraries and Documentation Division, NOVA FCSH
- Informative session about European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage
October 21, 10:30 AM - 12, Colibri / Zoom platform
Speaker: Natália Dias, Horizon Europe contact point, National Innovation Agency
- Workshop 7 passos para publicar em Acesso Aberto
October 25, 2:30 - 4 PM, Colibri / Zoom platform
Speaker: Cátia Teles e Marques, Divisão de Apoio à Investigação, NOVA FCSH
- Informative session Open for All – Open Science at the University of Edinburgh
October 25, 12 -12:50, Colibri / Zoom platform
Speaker: Ewan McAndrew, Wikimedian in Residence at University of Edinburg
- Informative sessions and workshops 10 Anos de Wikidata
October 28, 10 AM - 4:30 PM
Hybrid format event: Campolide Campus, Colégio Almada Negreiros (CAN), Floor 2 – Room CAN219 (morning) and Floor 0 – Room CAN SA (afternoon) and Colibri / Zoom platform
How to safeguard copyright and open access in a contract with a publisher? Find out what to consider when publishing your scientific results in this leaflet. There are 4 steps that help to guarantee the rights of researchers as authors and compliance with Open Access policies.
Leaflet "Publicação Científica: Direitos e Obrigações" (only in Portuguese)