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«25 de Abril» Essay Award
7ª Edition 
Winner: Gonçalo Margato

«25 de Abril» Essay Award

The jury of the 7th edition of «25 de Abril» Essay Award (2022), created by IPRI-NOVA and NOVA FCSH Departament of Political Studies, unanimously decided to distinguish the work “I wanted to know who I am. Dominant discursive logics in the identity narrative of democratic Portugal”, by Gonçalo Margato.

Applications ran until July 31st 2022 and the jury was composed by David Castaño (president), Carmen Fonseca and João Cancela.

Look out for the launch of the 8th edition!


Previous Editions

6th Edition (2020):
Award-winning essays (ex-aequo): 
“The assertion of the extreme right in Portuguese democracy: the case of Chega”, by Diogo Machado.
The emergence of new parties in Portugal: the 2010s in comparative perspective, by João Gaio e Silva.
Jury: Pedro Tavares de Almeida (president), Ana Santos Pinto and Rui Branco.

5th Edition (2018):
Not awarded: submitted essays did not meet the necessary quality requirements.
Jury: Carlos Gaspar (president), Madalena Resende and Rui Branco.

4th Edition  (2017):
Not awarded: submitted essays did not meet the necessary quality requirements.
Jury: Carlos Gaspar (president), Madalena Resende and Rui Branco. 

3rd Edition  (2016):
Award-winning essay: “Between the Scylla of Law and the Charibdis of Politics: a starting point for the study of the Constitutional Court in the construction of Portuguese Democracy”, by João Francisco Diogo.
Jury: Ana Pinto (president), Tiago Moreira de Sá and Carmen Fonseca.

2nd Edition  (2015):
Award-winning essay: “Attitudes of Portuguese citizens towards the European Union: from integration to crisis”, by Ana Grifo.
Jury: Marco Lisi (president), Ana Pinto and Madalena Resende.

1st Edition  (2014):
Award-winning essay: “A secondary issue? The European elections in Portugal”, by Mário Rebelo.
Jury: Rui Branco (president), Catherine Moury and Tiago Moreira de Sá.

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