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Round-rable 'Europe-India: Facing Crises Together, From the Pandemic to the Ukraine War'
October 11 2022 | 6 PM
Free admission
Fundação Oriente, Macau Room

The relations between Europe and India are increasingly important in international politics. The pandemic and, above all, the return of war to Europe with the Russian invasion of the Ukraine, are putting to the test not only the international order and international law, but also the very survival of pluralist democracies. The convergence of Europe and India is a natural convergence in defending the values of democracy, the rule of law and the multilateral order that is the best guarantor of international peace.

Portugal recognizes relations between Europe and India as a priority. Portugal organized the first summit of Heads of State and Government between India and the European Union in 2021, which opened the new cycle of convergence, crucial for the defence of common interests and to the stability in international politics.

In this context, Fundação Oriente and the Instituto Português de Relações Internacionais da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (IPRI-NOVA), in partnership with the Institut Montaigne and the Ananta Aspen Center, organize a round-table, where European and Indian experts come together to discuss the state of relations between India and Europe.



Nuno Severiano Teixeira | Researcher & President, IPRI-NOVA (Moderador)

S. E. Jawed Ashraf | Ambassador of India to the Republic of France & Principality of Monaco

Indrani Bagchi | CEO, Ananta Aspen Centre

Carlos Gaspar | Researcher & member of the Board, IPRI-NOVA; Advisor to Fundação Oriente

Constantino Xavier | Fellow in Foreign Policy and Security Studies, Centre for Social and Economic Progress (CSEP) (updated)


Organization: Fundação Oriente, IPRI-NOVA

In partnership with: Institut Montaigne & Ananta Aspen Centre




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