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Debate '50 Anos do 25 de Abril de 1974'
September 11, 2022 | 7 PM
Auditório Sul
Feira do Livro de Lisboa, Parque Eduardo VII


As part of the preparation of the celebrations of the 50 Years of the '25 de Abril de 1974' revolution, the Portuguese parliament organizes this debate, with IPRI-NOVA researchers 
Paula Borges Santos and João Cancela, as well as Ivo Veiga and Filipa Raimundo, coauthors, respectively, of books Os Constituintes and As Eleições de 1975.
 The session will be moderated by Maria Inácia Rezola.

IPRI-NOVA invites to you attend and take part in this event. Learn how to get to Auditório Sul at 92ª Feira do Livro de Lisboa.




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