Pre-conference workshop: The Politics of the long-term
28 | june | 2022
Hybrid format
Room SE1| Colégio Almada Negreiros, Lisbon
Olivier Jacques (Université de Montréal) & Catherine Moury (NOVA-FCSH & IPRI-NOVA)
FCT (PTDC/FER-FIL/6088/2020 (Present Democracy for Future Generations) & Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
08:00 - 09:00 | Welcome of the participants (with coffee and croissants)
09h00 - 10h45 | Panel 1. Definitions, typologies and the measurement of investments
Per Andersson, Oriol Sabaté and Jan Teorell on the origins of fiscal capacity in non-democratic states
Julian Garritzmann, Silja Häusermann and Bruno Palier, Social Investments in the Knowledge Economy: The Politics of Inclusive, Stratified, and Targeted Reforms across the Globe
Wieke Pot, Grand challenges require forward-looking decisions
Katrijn Siderius, Towards a European Investment State: The European Green Deal and the Politics of the Climate-Neutral Welfare State
coffee break
11h00 - 12h45 | Panel 2. Public attitudes towards long-term investment
Klaus Armingeon, Reto Bürgisser, Isabelle Stadelmann-Steffen, Green Taxes: Does Information, Party Cues and Compensation Increase Popular Support?
Marius Busemeyer, Public attitudes towards long-term oriented policies: New evidence from the case of Germany
Jack Lucas, Lior Sheffer and Peter Loewen, Elections And the Time Horizons of Politicians: A Three-Year Panel Experiment with Local Elected Representatives
Evelyne Hubscher, Martin Ardanaz, Philipp Keefer and Thomas Sattler, Mistrust, Impatience and Voter Preferences for Fiscal Stabilization in Latin America and the Caribbean
12h45-13h45 lunch seminar
13h45 - 15h15 | Panel 3. Determinants of investments
Olivier Jacques, The politics of preventive care investments
Catherine Moury & Mafalda Escada,The Determinants of Successful Preventive Investment: The Case of Portuguese Drug Policy
Pieter Tuytens and Claire Weiser,Which conditions facilitate successful policy investments? A fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis of social and environmental policymaking
coffee break
15h30 - 17h | Panel 4. The Politics of Investments
Björn Bremer and Robin Hetzel Budgetary clientelism in public investment subsidies in multilevel systems.
Bas Heerma van Voss Cyclical spending on disaster prevention.
Michael Rose, Fig leaves or democratic innovations for the politics of the longterm? Assessing the formal capacity of institutions for future generations to influence policy-making.
17h15-18h15 | Keynote by Alan Jacobs
18h30 | Drinks and Dinner
*The workshop is in a hybrid format. Most presentations are in person, but those listed in blue will present online on Zoom. Presenters listed in bold have confirmed their participation.