Stimulus of Scientific Employment Individual Support
Call for applications
29 January - 26 February | 2021
The Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) has opened a call for the Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus 2021. The call is open from January 29th until February 26th 2021.
IPRI-NOVA is available to be host institution and receive applications that fall within the scope of its research areas. Before submitting their application through the FCT portal, those interested in electing IPRI-NOVA as their host institution must send a formal request to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. until February 8th, along with the following documentation:
1. Brief research plan (in English, 2000 characters max.);
2. Category of the contract they are applying to;
3. Detailed CV;
4. Motivation letter describing scientific or artistic experience within the past 5 years and explaining the relevance of the activities they are applying to (2000 characters max.);
5. We kindly ask you to write «CEEC 2021 – Manifestação de Interesse» in your email subject line.
We urge all researchers to send their expression of interest by no later than February 8th. IPRI-NOVA will not consider any application submitted after the deadline date.
More information at the FCT website.