Recent Developments in The Maghreb Region: Are Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia on a Road to Democracy?
29 | April | 2019
Auditorium 1, Tower B, NOVA FCSH
Democracy and Populism in Southern Europe
29 | April | 2019
Georgetown University
Provisional Results
Science and Technology Management Fellowship (BGCT)
09 | April | 2019
Portugal and the EU Before and After the Crisis
28 | March | 2019
Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University
The Portuguese Democracy 45 Years After
02 | April | 2019
Sala do Senado, Portuguese Parliament, Lisbon
Comparative Politics and International Relations Seminar
Protest and Democracy in Portugal, 2000-2017: Patterns of Continuity and Change
12 | April | 2019
IPRI Room, I&D Building, r/c | NOVA FCSH