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Book Presentation
Os Partidos Políticos Portugueses e a União Europeia
28 | March | 2019
Auditorium 1, Tower B, NOVA FCSH


The book «Os Partidos Políticos Portugueses e a União Europeia», coordinated by Alice Cunha, is presented on March 28th, 11h30, at Auditorium 1, Tower B, NOVA FCSH.

Presentation by Pedro Valente da Silva, Chief of Staff of the European Parliament's Office in Portugal, and Carla Luís, from the Portuguese Electoral Commission. The event closes with a debating session with the book contributors: Alice Cunha, Edmundo Alves, Ivo Veiga, João Madeira, Marco Lisi, Patrícia Calca, and Teresa Ruel.

Free entrance.



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