International Seminar
NOVAs Migrações - New Migration
27 | March | 2019
Auditorium 1, Tower B, NOVA FCSH
Teresa Ferreira Rodrigues and Susana Ferreira, researchers at IPRI-NOVA, are organizing the International Seminar «NOVAs Migrações - New Migration».
The Seminar will focus on international migraton and human security, with two panels addressing migratory regulation in Portugal and abroad, and a third panel devoted to the presentation of the book «Human Security and Migration in Europe's Southern Borders», authored by Susana Ferreira.
Several experts on migrations and human security will speak at the conference, namely Constança Urbano de Sousa (MP and former Minister of Interior), Valentina Marcelino (journalist at Diário de Notícias), Ana Leão Varela («Renovar a Mouraria» Association), Vasco Malta (High Commission for Migration), João Estevens (IPRI-NOVA), João Peixoto (ISEG), and Cláudia Pereira (ISCTE-IUL).
The Seminar happens on March 27th, at 14h00, in Auditorium 1, Tower B, NOVA FCSH. Free entrance.