Open Call
Research Assistant Grant (BI)
31 | October - 14 | November | 2017
The Portuguese Institute of International Relations of the New University of Lisbon (IPRI) offers one (1) Research Assistant position (BI) within the framework of the project Democracy in Times of Crisis: Power and Discourse in a Three-Level Game – IPRI-NOVA, reference: PTDC/IVC-CPO/2247/2014), funded by the Government of Portugal through the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology/Ministry of Science, Technology, and Higher Education (FCT/MCTES).
Deadline for submission of applications and required documents is between 31 October and 14 November 2017. All applications must include a cover letter, in English; a detailed CV; and a copy of the degree certificate(s) and should be sent via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the reference “Application Research Assistant DemoCris” in the subject line.
Find the complete call here.