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Comparative Politics and International Relations Seminar
Making and justifying impossible choices: Trade unions and three-level games in Ireland and Portugal
20 | October | 2017
IPRI Room, I&D Building, r/c | NOVA FCSH


Coordination: IPRI-NOVA & NOVA FCSH


October 20th  | Making and justifying impossible choices: Trade unions and three-level games in Ireland and Portugal
Friday,  12h30 - 13h30
Presentation: Catherine Moury & Angie Gago (IPRI-NOVA / NOVA FCSH)
Discussant: Raquel Rego (ICS-UL)


R.S.V.P.: Please confirm attendance by email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) until October 18th.

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