International Conference
Russia and the West: the euro-atlantic order in crisis
23 | June | 2016
Room 0.06, ID Building FCSH-NOVA, Lisbon
9h00 | Opening
Reinhard Naumann, Director Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Lisbon
Nuno Severiano Teixeira, IPRI-NOVA, Lisbon
9h30 | Keynote speech
Ambassador Ulrich Brandenburg, German Embassy, Lisbon
10h00 | Relations between Germany and Russia: from Crimea to Syria
Hans-Joachim Spanger, PRIF, Frankfurt
Maria Raquel Freire, University of Coimbra, Coimbra
Patrícia Daehnhardt, IPRI-NOVA, Lisbon
Ricardo Alexandre, RTP Notícias, Lisbon
Chair: Ana Mónica Fonseca, ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon
11h30 | Coffee break
11h45 | Security relations Europe-USA-Russia after the annexation of Crimea
Markus Kaim, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Berlin
Sandra Dias Fernandes, University of Minho, Braga
Carlos Gaspar, IPRI-NOVA, Lisbon
Chair: Raquel Vaz Pinto, IPRI-NOVA, Lisbon
13h15 | Lunch
14h30 | Roundtable: Middle-East and the war in Syria - the role of the West and of Russia
Michal Baranowski, German Marshall Fund, Warsaw
Hans-Joachim Spanger, PRIF, Frankfurt
Markus Kaim, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Berlin
Ana Santos Pinto, IPRI-NOVA, Lisbon
José Milhazes, SIC and Antena 1, Lisbon
Chair: Patrícia Daehnhardt, IPRI-NOVA, Lisbon
16h30 | Closing words
The Conference will be held in English and Portuguese.
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