The fourth edition of the German-Portuguese Forum took place last November. One of the objectives was to facilitate the dialogue between the two countries on social and economic problems while trying to find common solutions in the spirit of enhancing the European integration. This years’ initiative focused on matters of increasing the number of jobs, as well as the quest for security solutions for the internal and external current challenges. There were also debates in topics as diverse as Europe-Africa relations, the refuges crisis, as well as Brexit.
This Forum is a civil society initiative organized by the Portuguese Institute of International Relations (IPRI-NOVA), the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (Lisbon), and the o Intitut für Europäiche Politik (Berlin). Among the participants were Dr. Brigitte Zypries, the German Secretary of State for Economy and Energy and Dr. Augusto Santos Silva, the Portuguese Minister of Foreign Affairs. A number of well-known experts from both countries also took attendance.
The Director of IPRI-NOVA, Doctor Nuno Severiano Teixeira, made a speech about the Portuguese and the EU future challenges. The full transcript can be find here.
Director of IPRI-NOVA presentation
First Panel - DESAFIOS NA SEGURANÇA INTERNA E EXTERNA e a procura de uma União Europeia de Segurança
Second Panel - RELAÇÕES EUROPA-ÁFRICA: Perspectivas para o século XXI
Third Panel - A EUROPA NUMA ENCRUZILHADA: Desafios e Respostas
Photos: Intitut für Europäiche Politik
The fourth edition of the Portugal-Germany Forum took place last November. One of the objectives was to facilitate the dialogue between the two countries on social and economic problems while trying to find common solutions in the spirit of enhancing the European integration. This years’ initiative focused on matters of increasing the number of jobs, as well as the quest for security solutions for the internal and external current challenges. There were also debates in topics as diverse as Europe-Africa relations, the refuges crisis, as well as Brexit.
This Forum is civil society initiative organized by the Portuguese Institute of International Relations (IPRI-NOVA), the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (Lisbon), and the o Intitut für Europäiche Politik, in Berlin. Among the participants were Dr. Brigitte Zypries the German Secretary of State for Economy and Energy and Dr. Augusto Santos Silva, the Portuguese Minister of Foreign Affairs. A number of well-known experts from both countries also took attendance.
The Director of IPRI-NOVA, Doctor Nuno Severiano Teixeira, made a speech about the Portuguese and the EU future challenges. The full transcript can be find here.