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  • IV Seminário Doutoral - Estudos sobre a Globalização | 21 de fevereiro de 2025
  • Curso IPRI-NOVA de curta duração: Métodos de Investigação em Ciências Sociais - II
  • R:I 84 | Dezembro 2024 «A ordem mundial em desordem: o regresso global da guerra e o fim da paz»
  • A revista R:I encontra-se disponível para consulta on-line | R:I Journal now available on-line


IPRI-NOVA's researchers Teresa Rodrigues and João Estevens are organizing the Summer Couse «Strategic Information Security: The Challenges of Globalization and Democratic Transparency» at NOVA FCSH. The course happens between 6th and 15th July 2020.

Goals of the Course:

1. To understand the concepts and practices related to informational activities;

2. To analyze different information systems in Portugal and Europe;

3. To understand the different methods and tecniques of information analysis;

4. To understand the historical evolution and the role of the Portuguese information system in the Portuguese society, mainly in the context of democratic transparency.

In order to complement the last two bullet points, students will have the chance to intervene with an element from the Portuguese informations system in the last session.

More information here.

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