Comparative Politics and International Relations Seminar
Protest and Democracy in Portugal, 2000-2017: Patterns of Continuity and Change
12 | April | 2019
IPRI Room, I&D Building, r/c | NOVA FCSH
Open Call
Science and Technology Management Fellowship (BGCT) BA Level
15 - 28 | March | 2019
Book Presentation
Os Partidos Políticos Portugueses e a União Europeia
28 | March | 2019
Auditorium 1, Tower B, NOVA FCSH
International Seminar
NOVAs Migrações - New Migration
27 | March | 2019
Auditorium 1, Tower B, NOVA FCSH
Comparative Politics and International Relations Seminar
The Portuguese Observatory on Parliamentary Dynamics (POPaD): A New Open Data Archive
22 | March | 2019
IPRI Room, I&D Building, r/c | NOVA FCSH
Stimulus of Scientific Employment Individual Support
Call for applications
17 January - 20 February | 2019
Comparative Politics and International Relations Seminar
A lógica histórica do modo de acumulação de capital em Moçambique
22 | February | 2019
IPRI Room, I&D Building, r/c | FCSH/NOVA
Comparative Politics and International Relations Seminar
A lógica histórica do modo de acumulação de capital em Moçambique
22 | February | 2019
IPRI Room, I&D Building, r/c | FCSH/NOVA
Comparative Politics and International Relations Seminar
EU Conditionality Design: Where does It Vary and Why?
15 | February | 2019
IPRI Room, I&D Building, r/c | FCSH/NOVA
Comparative Politics and International Relations Seminar
EU Conditionality: Where does It Vary and Why?
15 | February | 2019
IPRI Room, I&D Building, r/c | FCSH/NOVA
Comparative Politics and International Relations Seminar
Eanes e a Democracia
01 | February | 2019
IPRI Room, I&D Building, r/c | FCSH/NOVA
Comparative Politics and International Relations Seminar
Eanes e a Democracia
01 | February | 2019
IPRI Room, I&D Building, r/c | FCSH/NOVA
Comparative Politics and International Relations Seminar
The Political Economy of Reversals: The cases of Spain and Portugal after the bail out (2013-2019)
14 | December | 2018
IPRI Room, I&D Building, r/c | FCSH/NOVA
Comparative Politics and International Relations Seminar
The Political Economy of Reversals: The cases of Spain and Portugal after the bail out (2013-2019)
14 | December | 2018
IPRI Room, I&D Building, r/c | FCSH/NOVA
«Evolving Human Security Challenges in the Atlantic Space»
12-14 | December | 2018
Fundação Luso-Americana para o Desenvolvimento, Lisbon
International Seminar
«Geopolitics of Gas and the Future of the Euro-Russian Relation within the 2035 Horizon»
06 | December | 2018
Instituto de Defesa Nacional, Lisbon
Comparative Politics and International Relations Seminar
Raymond Aron e a Guerra Fria
23 | November | 2018
IPRI Room, I&D Building, r/c | FCSH/NOVA
Book Launching
Raymond Aron e a Guerra Fria
26 | November | 2018
Auditorium of the newspaper Público, Lisbon
Book Launching
Eanes e a Democracia
20 | November | 2018
El Corte Inglés, 6th Floor, Lisbon
Comparative Politics and International Relations Seminar
Raymond Aron e a Guerra Fria
23 | November | 2018
IPRI Room, I&D Building, r/c | FCSH/NOVA
Comparative Politics and International Relations Seminar
Here to stay? Analyzing policy reversals in the aftermath of the crisis
09 | November | 2018
IPRI Room, I&D Building, r/c | FCSH/NOVA
Provisional Results
Science and Technology Management Fellowship (BGCT)
17 | September | 2018
VIII International RIBEI Conference
Is there a Place for the Ibero-American Area?
06-07 | November | 2018
J.J. Laginha Auditorium, ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon
Comparative Politics and International Relations Seminar
Here to stay? Analyzing policy reversals in the aftermath of the crisis
09 | November | 2018
IPRI Room, I&D Building, r/c | FCSH/NOVA
International Seminar
Security Drivers: Technological Responses to New Challanges
18 | October | 2018
Auditorium 1, B Tower, NOVA FCSH
Provisional Results
Research Grant Assistant (BI) - Master
24 | September | 2018
Open Call
Research Grant Assistant (BI) - Master
27 September - 11 October | 2018
Lunch Seminar
Elections 2018: what are the impacts for Brazilian foreign policy?
20 | September | 2018
IPRI Room, I&D Building, r/c | NOVA FCSH
Lunch Seminar
Elections 2018: what are the impacts for Brazilian foreign policy?
20 | September | 2018
IPRI Room, I&D Building, r/c | NOVA FCSH
Book Launch
Envelhecimento e Políticas de Saúde
28 | September | 2018
El Corte Inglés, 6th Floor
Summer School 2018
13 - 15 | September | 2018
Museu Abílio de Mattos e Silva
Open Call
Science and Technology Management Fellowship (BGCT) Licenciado
17 - 30 | August | 2018
Comparative Politics and International Relations Seminar
Populismo na Europa e nos EUA
06 | July | 2018
IPRI Room, I&D Building, r/c | NOVA FCSH
Comparative Politics and International Relations Seminar
Populismo na Europa e nos EUA
06 | July | 2018
IPRI Room, I&D Building, r/c | NOVA FCSH
Open Call
Science and Technology Management Fellowship (BGCT) Mestre
17 - 30 | August | 2018
Conference Enduring Alliances
22 | June | 2018
Georgetown University, Washington D.C., USA
O Euro e a Soberania Económica
22 | June | 2018
Auditório 3, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon
Launch of A Extensão das Plataformas Continentais
21 | June | 2018
Salão Nobre do Palácio da Independência, Lisbon
Launch of O Brasil e os Desafios do Sistema Internacional
14 | June | 2018
Instituto da Defesa Nacional, Lisbon
Launch of O Brasil e os Desafios do Sistema Internacional
14 | June| 2018
Instituto da Defesa Nacional, Lisbon
Provisional Results
Science and Technology Management Fellowship (BGCT)
18 | May | 2018
Comparative Politics and International Relations Seminar
A Alemanha e a Defesa Europeia
25 | May | 2018
IPRI Room, I&D Building, r/c | NOVA FCSH
Round Table
As eleições italianas de 2018 no contexto europeu
16 | May | 2018
Multiusos Room 2, ID Building NOVA FCSH
A Shoá - Holocausto - e outros genocídios
15 - 16 | May | 2018
Comparative Politics and International Relations Seminar
A Igreja Católica e as transições duplas em Angola e Moçambique
27 | April | 2018
IPRI Room, I&D Building, r/c | NOVA FCSH
Open Call
Science and Technology Management Fellowship (BGCT)
11 - 24 | April | 2018
Europe and the Changing World Order
12 | April | 2018
Auditorium | Museu do Oriente
Comparative Politics and International Relations Seminar
Trump: o Método no Caos
23 | March | 2018
IPRI Room, I&D Building, r/c | NOVA FCSH
Variedades de Democracia na Europa do Sul
20 | Março | 2018
Auditório 2 | NOVA FCSH
Variedades de Democracia na Europa do Sul
20 | March | 2018
Auditório 2 | NOVA FCSH
Open Call
Research Grant Assistant (BI) - Licenciado
15 - 28 | February | 2018
Comparative Politics and International Relations Seminar
Os efeitos da crise nos sistemas de partidos europeus
23 | February | 2017
IPRI Room, I&D Building, r/c | NOVA FCSH
Colóquio Estudos sobre a Globalização:
estado da questão
16-17 | February | 2018
NOVA FCSH & Biblioteca Nacional, Lisboa
Stimulus of Scientific Employment
Individual Support
Call for applications
05 | February | 2018
International Seminar
IV International Seminar on Transatlantic Security
30 | January | 2018
Instituto de Defesa Nacional, Lisbon
Em destaque no Diário Notícias
18 | January | 2018
Comparative Politics and International Relations Seminar
Separatismos: Escócia e Catalunha
15 | December | 2017
IPRI Room, I&D Building, r/c | FCSH/NOVA
Launch of A Balança da Europa, Carlos Gaspar
05 | December | 2017
European Commission Representation in Portugal, Lisbon
German-Portuguese Expert Meeting
04 - 05 | December | 2017
Biblioteca da Rainha, Portuguese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Lisbon
Launch of O DAESH - Dimensão, Globalização, Diplomacia e Segurança, de Adalberto Centenico e Teresa Ferreira Rodrigues (Coord.)
30 | Novembro | 2017
Biblioteca da Rainha, Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros, Lisboa
Launch of A Balança da Europa, Carlos Gaspar
05 | December | 2017
European Commission Representation in Portugal, Lisbon
Comparative Politics and International Relations Seminar
A balança da Europa
24 | November | 2017
IPRI Room, I&D Building, r/c | FCSH/NOVA
Launch of A Europeização da Democracia Portuguesa
20 | November | 2017
Representação da Comissão Europeia, Lisboa
Launch of A Europeização da Democracia Portuguesa
20 | November | 2017
Representação da Comissão Europeia, Lisboa
Prémio Jacques Delors
16 | Novembro | 2017
Auditório do Edifício Caleidoscópio, Lisboa
Partidos, Grupos de Interesses e Crise Económica:
O Caso Português em Perspetiva Comparada
03 | November | 2017
ID Building, Multiusos 1, Lisbon
Comparative Politics and International Relations Seminar
Making and justifying impossible choices: Trade unions and three-level games in Ireland and Portugal
20 | October | 2017
IPRI Room, I&D Building, r/c | NOVA FCSH
Prémios Santander de Internacionalização da
Produção Científica da NOVA FCSH
20 | October | 2017
Summer School 2017
Cenário Europeus
21 - 23 | September | 2017
Museu Abílio de Mattos e Silva
Summer School 2017
Cenários Europeus
21 - 23 | September | 2017
Museu Municipal de Óbidos
Collaborative Research Award
Santander Totta/Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
12 | September | 2017
Principles and values of lusophony: a reflexion on Brazil and Portugal contributions
22 | May | 2017
IPRI Room, I&D Building, r/c | FCSH/NOVA
Comparative Politics and International Relations Seminar
Ciência, Estado e Sociedade: investigação social e sociologia num país de industrialização tardia
19 | May | 2017
IPRI Room, I&D Building, r/c | FCSH/NOVA
Comparative Politics and International Relations Seminar
Is Market Liberalism Adaptive? Rethinking F.A. Hayek on Moral Evolution
21 | April | 2017
IPRI Room, I&D Building, r/c | FCSH/NOVA